How to create a Gmail Account

Gmail is a Email service that’s provided by Google. It’s name is Google Mail (Gmail). Now these days Email is very important for every person. If you have a email account you can send a latter or  any file photos and more. Email is very important of professional work. There are many email services provider just like gmail, Hotmail, yahoo mail, and many more.  I this article i have show so you to make a account on gmail provided by google.

Create a Gmail Account 

First Go to or

Step 1. Click on Gmail option available on right side.

Step 2. In sign in page click on Create Account. 
How to create gmail account

Step 3. Create your google account window appear now. In this window gmail is asking you to fill your information just like Name, Username , Password, Gender, Mobile  DOB and more. After fill your all information click on Next step button.

How to create gmail account

Step 4. Now time to Accept Privacy And Terms. Scroll down window and click on I AGREE button.

How to create gmail account

Step 5. Verify your Account You can select Text massage or Voice call and click on Continue Button.(Google will only use this vitrifaction for Secure your account )

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Step 6. Enter Vitrifaction Code  you received your vitrifaction code in your registered Mobile no. Enter code and click on continue button.
Step 7. Now welcome massage is appear on window. Click on Continue to Gmail to access your account.  your gmail account is created successfully.

I hope this Article is helps you to create Email account on Gmail. If this post is useful for you and you  like this post please share this post with your friend on Facebook, twitter, Google plus and more .Please  comment your experience about this post in comment box, and you also follow  us  by email and other social media .

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