How to update CP Plus dvr firmware for Instaon

CP PLUS firmware update
In old cpplus dvr instaon cloud function is not available. We know that instaon is cloud base service that’s use for view cpplus dvr online on smartphone or internet all over the world. Instaon cloud base service is provided by cpplus and its very easy to use.

In some cpplus dvr’s instaon cloud option is not available. Because in old dvr’s firmware is old. If you want to use instaon cloud base service in your dvr so you need to update your old dvr firmware to new firmware that’s include instaon service.

To update cpplus dvr firmware is vary easy and in this article I have help to update your cpplus dvr firmware.
First you have need to download cpplus dvr firmware for your dvr :-

Download here :- CP Plus dvr Instaon firmware – Download 

  • Download the Firmware file from Cpplus website  (if you have not found so send your dvr model no in comment box)
  • Rename downloaded File With “Update”
  • Copy Update.bin file in your Pen Drive after formatting in fat 32 format and connect with your DVR in USB port (you can update your dvr with direct usb device but i can suggest you to update your firmware with lan through computer)

Update CP Plus dvr firmware for Instaon

1. Connect your dvr with computer through LAN cable. Open internet explorer enter your dvr ip address to open your dvr software.

2. Enter your username and password select LAN and click on login button.

open cpplus dvr in browser

3. Go to Setup
4. Click on system
5. Click on Upgrade
6. Click on Browse button (Select location of your downloaded firmware file)
7. Click on Upgrade button.

go to setup in cpplus dvr

8. Your dvr firmware is updating please wait for some time when your dvr is rebooting.

update cpplus dvr firmware

After reboot your dvr is ready to use instaon cloud base service.
Before updating sure that your dvr’s power adaptor is connected with UPS. Because if power off during this process then your dvr is not working properly after that.

96 thoughts on “How to update CP Plus dvr firmware for Instaon”

  1. vivek plz send correct model of your dvr i have not found this model. if i found then i send you keep in touch.
    and careful upload only correct firmware.

  2. vivek plz send correct model of your dvr i have not found this model. if i found then i send you keep in touch.
    and careful upload only correct firmware.

  3. Thanks sudesh for your support and firmware file

  4. hello Mohtashim Danish thanks for visit
    this model no id discontinued from cplus if i foud this model firmware then i send u soon. keep in touch

  5. hello danish
    Kindly share current firmware details and issue with existing firmware, so that we could assist you accordingly.
    os send me a photo your current firmware detail

  6. Hi Sudesh,
    My DVR model no. is CP-UAR-0801-H1 & CP-UAR-0801-M1. I need Instaon firmware for my CP plus DVR. Please help us

  7. Hi Sudesh,
    My DVR model no. is CP-UAR-0801-H1 & CP-UAR-0801-M1. I need Instaon firmware for my CP plus DVR. Please help us

  8. DVR Upgrade procedure:

    Download the Firmware file from above Link.
    Formate your pen drive in FAT32.
    Copy.bin file in your Pen Drive and connect with your DVR in USB port and go for Main Menu> operation>upgrade

  9. DVR Upgrade procedure:

    Download the Firmware file from above Link.
    Formate your pen drive in FAT32.
    Copy.bin file in your Pen Drive and connect with your DVR in USB port and go for Main Menu> operation>upgrade

  10. We would like you to please share current firmware version(Build Date) also describe the issue with existing firmware so that we could assist you accordingly.

  11. We would like you to please share current firmware version(Build Date) also describe the issue with existing firmware so that we could assist you accordingly.

  12. We would like to inform you that for the asked model number instaon service is not supported , you can be access DVR over internet by DDNS or Public Static IP

  13. We would like to inform you that for the asked model number instaon service is not supported , you can be access DVR over internet by DDNS or Public Static IP

  14. We would like you to please share the current firmware version (Build Date) also describe the issue with existing firmware, so that we could assist you accordingly.

    You may also contact on our Toll-Free 1800-103-5666 or 1800-258-5666 for Technical Support.

  15. We would like you to please share complete device model number of CP-UNR-XXXQ2-XU and also share current firmware version(Build Date) and describe

  16. hi sir i need firmware update for cp-ER-0804E1-TS model plz bec every 15days i want to formate hdd manualy it wont rewrite ……

  17. We would like you to please share complete device model number of CP-UNR-XXXQ2-XU and also share current firmware version(Build Date) and describe the issue with existing firmware of all devices, so that we could assist you accordingly

  18. We would like you to please share complete device model number of CP-UNR-XXXQ2-XU and also share current firmware version(Build Date) and describe the issue with existing firmware of all devices, so that we could assist you accordingly

  19. We would like you to please share the current firmware version (Build Date) also describe the issue with existing firmware, so that we could assist you accordingly.

    You may also contact on our Toll Number 88 00 952 952 for Technical Support.

  20. We would like you to please share the current firmware version (Build Date) also describe the issue with existing firmware, so that we could assist you accordingly.

    You may also contact on our Toll Number 88 00 952 952 for Technical Support.

  21. Dear Sir,
    Our CP PLUS DVR Model cp-uvr-0401e1-v4 not identifing 3G dongle so not able to connect to internet. is there any updated firmware available?
    Thank you

  22. my dvr model os CP-ER-0804E1-ts this dvr is not detect d-link wireless adater.. is ther any possible way to fix it ?

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