How to solve quick heal antivirus offline update without Internet

quick heal update
How to solve quick heal antivirus offline update. To update quick heal antivirus offline first you  download quick heal update file from internet anywhere.
After download  copy this file to your pen drive or external hard disk drive. then go to computer where you want to update quick heal antivirus offline.
  Open Run in your computer in windows 7 :go to start >all program >accessories >Run
  you also open with windows key + R on keyboard.
  Open Run in your computer in windows 8,8.1,10 : go to search menu and type Run and open.
 After open a Run menu type Quickup and press enter. welcome to quick update windows open now
 click on next > Click on specified location and click on file button >  Then open  window will open,now open your downloaded file location that you have copy in your pen drive or external hard disk drive.
Select  latest ( file name )file In download update file folder and click on open button .
Click on next button. Your quick heal antivirus is updating start  now after some time applying updates. After applying updates click on finish button .
Your antivirus in now update without internet.

Update Quick heal Antivirus other way.
Download update file from quick heal website and save it on your computer ,pen drive or external hard disk drive.
Then open downloaded file and run it. click on update now button
your antivirus in updating now  please wait for progress after complete click on finish button.

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