How to shrink a Drive Partition size in windows 7

Hello Friends today i have show you how to shrink a hard disk drive partition size in windows. sometime we want to create a new partition in windows but we have not enough space available in our hard disk drive. So that time we need to shrink a partition space that have already created, and then we create a new partition. So if you want to create new partition by shrinking a drive follow some steps below-

How to shrink a partition

How To shrink a Partition  space

Open the Disk Management by typing diskmgmt.msc in RUN .

open disk managment through run menu


1. First Go to control panel – go to system and security

How to shrink a Drive Partition size in windows 7

 2. and then go to administrative tools

How to shrink a Drive Partition size in windows 7

 3. then click on computer management

How to shrink a Drive Partition size in windows 7

when computer management window will appear click on disk management
option. on disk management right click on partition and click on shrink volume option that you want to shrink.

How to shrink a Drive Partition size in windows 7

5. When shrink window is appear then enter the amount the space or size you want to shrink (size in MB) And then click on shrink button.

How to shrink a Drive Partition size in windows 7

6. After that you have available free space in your hard disk drive see in image below. now right click on free or unallocated space and click on new simple volume and then click on next .

How to shrink a Drive Partition size in windows 7

7. Now enter the amount of size for your partition and click on next button. Then click on format a quick format and click on next button.

How to shrink a Drive Partition size in windows 7

8. Now you have show a window completing the new simple volume wizard. Click Finish to complete the wizard .

How to shrink a Drive Partition size in windows 7

So you have successfully shrink your partition size congratulation
Thank you

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