How to set GST rates in Tally ERP 9

Set gst rates
GST rates setup is vary important in tally accounting software. After 1 july 2017 every product or item different -2 tax rate define. (For example 12%, 18%, 28% ). You can able to set GST rates in tally with stock item wise or stock group wise. But before GST tax rate setup you have need to enable GST in your tally accounting software. set GST rates in Tally ERP 9

How to set GST rates in Tally ERP 9
For set gst rate setup in your tally open your company that’s you want to set GST rate setup.
1. Go to gateway of tally

2. Go to Display.

3. Go to Statutory Reports
4. Go to GST and then go to GST rate setup.You can setup here GST rate on group or par item wise. If you want to set GST rate on Group then select group and click on set rate same process for item wise rate setup select item and click on set rate.

Set GST rate in tally
After click on rate setup GST tax rate detail window appear. In there first set HSN/SAC detail.
Description : That’s you want
HSN/SAC   : HSN code of item (for example 1234)Now set tax detail
Tax ability   : Select Taxable
Tax type
Integrate tax : Set total tax on item (Fow example total tax on item is 28% so set integrate tax 28% when you sale this item its automatically calculate  14% CGST or 14% SGST )
Press Y to accept or save.

GST tax rate detail in tally

Now GST rate successfully set on your tally. If you want to clear GST rate setup so press Ctrl + C on same option.

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