What Is DHCP Server and How to install DHCP Server.

How to install DHCP server


What is DHCP Server :- 

DHCP is a  Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol That assigned IP address  automatically to client side computer. DHCP Server is use to manage large size of network.

Working of DHCP server
                   1. DHCP Scope
                   2. DHCP super scope
                   3. DHCP Lease Time
                   4  IP Reservation

                   1.DHCP Scope:- Scoping having the range of IP address for provid dynamic ip address             to  other computer.A group of sip address with in a subnetmask is called as a scope.
                   2.DHCP Super scope:- A super scope id used to combine two pr more scope each serving different-different network.
                   3.DHCP Lease time:- DHCP Lease time is a validity of IP address by default DHCP lease time 8 days minimum 1 days  maximum 365 days, 23 Hour, 52 mints.                                                                                                                                                        Within 8 days   after 50%  of days client demand the new IP Address, sometime DHCP server refuse the client request. After 87.5% of days it will retry if server did not give the new IP address then client recieve APIPA (Automatic Provide IP Address)address
                  4. IP Reservation :- We can reserve IP address with the help of MAC address for particular computer.

Installation Of DHCP Server:-

1. First assign the IP address after that you in add role wizard to add DHCP server role on the server
2. Click on start & Administrative Tools >Server manager> click on add role
3. Click on next button & Select the DHCP server on check box and click the next button and select network connection.
4. In the network connection you can specify the network connection  user by the DHCP server to provide service to client .and click on next button.
5. After that you can configure a DNS domain name (domain mane will be in .com)
6. click on validate button the prefer DNS server address appear with green mark
7. Click on next button IP v4  Wines setting is open , you can configure wins server option and you also select WINS is nor required for application on this network and click on next button.
8. Now DHCP scope is open, to adding a scope click on add button to add a scope give the scope name with .com.give starting IP address range for your scope , Ending IP address -give the ending Ip address range for your scope. enter the sub-net mask for your scope. give the default getaway and give sub net type ,click on active this scope and click on ok button.
9. now DHCP IPv6 stateless mode is now open select IPv6 stateless mode for this network is disable and click on next button
10. After click next button IPv6 DNS setting is open >this page is same as IPv4  setting psge. click on validate button and click on next button
11. Now DHCP Server Authorization page is open this setting is used for active directory domain.click on next button and confirmation page is open now
12. Click on install button The installation process is start now. after some time DHCP server is install completes . and close the add role wizard.

ON client side select  obtain IP address automatically by DHCP Server

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