Startup Option Troubleshooting

we work on a computer system, then we face with different types of problems. To
remove these problems we trouble shoot them. For trouble shooting, there are
many options.
Startup options
trouble shooting and advanced startup options for Win 2k, press F8.
There are many sub-options.
(i) Safe mode: – In this mode only the standard parts, drivers and
S/w will work. The SCSI devices like HD also work in safe mode. This option is
mainly used to recover drivers and S/w problems. We can uninstall drivers and
S/w from this mode.
(ii) Safe mode with networking: – This mode is used, when there is
any problem during network and which is solved by safe mode.
(iii) Safe mode with Command Prompt: – In this mode, safe mode
start with command prompt i.e. on DOS prompt.
(iv) Enable boot logging: – By choosing this option, a file named NTBTLOG
is created in C:WINNT, this file contains all the information when the
system login and load files etc.
(v) Enable VGA mode: – In this mode only VGA card is not run but
all other devices will run. This option is selected when there is a problem in
(vi) LKGC (Last Known Good Configuration): – This mode picks up
the backup of registry, last time when system boots normally. The driver or
S/w, which create problem, will not run in this option.
(vii) Debugging mode: – In this mode, two systems are compared and
debug the corrupted system. This option is mainly used when there is problem
because of any S/w.
(viii) Directory services restore mode: – This option work only on
Domain Controller. When there is ADS installed.

(ix) Boot normally: – This option boot the system normally. There
is no restriction on any drivers or S/w.

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