How to set Startup password in Computer.

Startup password is also called SYSKEY (SAM lock tool). Syskey is vary important for your computer if you want to make more secure of your computer. Syskey is a in-built utility in windows by Microsoft that’s is helps you to make more security for your computer. syskey is works all windows like Xp, Windows vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 and windows 10.

set startup password by syskey

When you set a startup password on your computer so make sure that you remember this password easily. because windows  is not open without entering syskey password. so its very important after create a startup password you write a startup password in your notebook or in a safe.A one thing you note that if you forget this password so you can one option after that it is reinstalling a windows again.After set syskey when you start your computer startup password window is appear on computer screen see image below-

startup password asking before windows start
Starup password windows

How to set  Startup password in your Computer

Syskey is SAM database password that is stored in windows registry. To configure syskey in your computer you follow these steps below:- 
there are two option to configure syskey in computer.
1. Go to run menu box type syskey and press OK to open syskey. Securing the Windows Account database box is appear

open syskey by run menu
open systey by run


 Go to command prompt – type syskey and then press enterSecuring the Windows Account database box is appear

open syskey by cmd
open syskey by cmd

2. In Securing the Windows Account database box make sure that select Encryption Enabled option. after select a encryption enabled click on Update button.

step 2 of configure syskey
step 2

3. After that click on Password Startup 
4. Type password that you want confirm it and press ok  button to continue.

setp 3 or 4 in syskey
step 3 or 4

  Note:- If you not set a password so click on system generated password . and select where you want  to store password .

5. After that click OK to finish.

Step 5 success

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