How to make money online

How to make money online
There are many way to make money online but in this article we have talk only best and trusted way to make money online. In these days everyone is want to make money online or part time jobs. If you search to make money on internet there are many website that’s told you to make money. But first they will ask you to deposit some money for registration. Most of these sites are fraud. And you need to alert from these sites.

In this article I have show you top three best ideas for make online money, and there are more secure and more trusted. They will pay you guaranteed. So lets know about these ideas for make money online.

  • Blogging
  • YouTube Channel
  • Affiliate Marketing

1. Blogging
Blogging is best and secure way to make money online. You can make  your blog with low cost. You can also create your free blog on blog spot  or wix and WordPress. In staring i suggest you to use Blogspot for blogging, Blogspot is free platform for blogging that’s is free google service. When you complete your blog then you have need to add ads in your blog.

There are many company provides ads for your site and blog. Adsense  by google and by yahoo are most trusted site for ads revenue. Third party site also provides ads service for your blog just like InfolinksChitika, Bidvertiser, Propeller Ads, Adsterra are also good blog advertising sites.

2. YouTube Channel
In whole world many people already making money with creating YouTube channel. For making money with YouTube channel you need to create your own channel on YouTube. After that need to add videos in your YouTube channel. but make sure that you have only add your own videos, if you add other people video that’s is under copyright act. You can add any types of video in your YouTube channel just like comedy funny, music, education, and many more.

After that monetize by allowing YouTube to include ads on your videos. When viewer click on an ad, you get paid money with google adsense. More and more visitor for your videos and channel you have more revenue. For more visitor share your videos on Facebook, google plus, Twitter and more social media accounts. 

3. Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate Marketing is one of the best way to make money online. There are many sites that’s provides affiliate marketing program for user. Affiliate marketing means you need sell product from amazon, flip kart, eBay, snap deal. when you sell product from these company then they will pay you some parentage in your affiliate account. If you make good sale then you have batter chance to make money.
For Affiliate marketing first you have need to became affiliate partner or create affiliate account. I have give you some affiliate joining link Amazon Affiliate programeBay affiliate programFlipkart affiliate program there are many more but these are best of all.

After creating a account You that’s give you a product link that’s product you want to sell. You just need to share this product link with your friends and if you ave a blog or website then add these product with link in your blog or site.

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