How to Fix Windows Cannot Connect to Printer Error 0x0000011b

How to Fix Windows Cannot Connect to Printer – Error 0x0000011b

How to Fix Windows Cannot Connect to Printer Error 0x0000011b. “Printer share” typically refers to the act of sharing a printer with other users or devices on a network. Sharing a printer allows multiple devices to print to the same printer over a network, which can be convenient in office or home network environments. Here’s how you can set up printer sharing in Windows:

Sharing a Printer on Windows

  1. Connect the Printer: Ensure that the printer you want to share is properly installed and connected to the computer it’s physically attached to.
  2. Enable Printer Sharing:
    • Go to “Settings” > “Devices” > “Printers & scanners.”
    • Click on the printer you want to share, then click “Manage.”
    • In the printer settings, under “Printer properties,” go to the “Sharing” tab.
    • Check the box that says “Share this printer.” You can also provide a share name for the printer.
  3. Configure Permissions (Optional): You can click on the “Security” button to configure who can access the shared printer. You can add or remove users and set their permissions.
  4. Save Changes: After configuring sharing and permissions, click “Apply” and then “OK” to save your settings.

Accessing a Shared Printer on Windows

  1. Open File Explorer: On the computer you want to print from, open File Explorer.
  2. In the Address Bar: Type the following and press Enter: \\computername\printername
    • Replace “computername” with the name of the computer where the shared printer is attached.
    • Replace “printername” with the share name you provided in the sharing settings.
  3. Install the Printer: Double-click on the shared printer icon. Windows will automatically attempt to install the necessary drivers. Follow the prompts to complete the installation.
  4. Set as Default (Optional): If you want to use this printer as your default printer, right-click on it and select “Set as default printer.”

How to Fix Windows Printer Error 0x0000011b

To fix the error code 0x0000011b related to networked or shared printers, you need to uninstall latest security updates both the Client PC and Print Server. But main problem is when your windows update again then same problem faced again. So we give you to best solution for solve error code 0x0000011b.

  • Hit Windows + R keys to open the Run command tool.
  • Type regedit in the Open command box and hit Enter.
  • The Registry Editor tool will open.
  • Navigate to the Print Registry key directory either manually or by entering the following path into the Registry Editor address field:
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fix Printer error 0x0000011b
  • Right-click on the Print key and select New→  DWORD-32 bit Value.
  • Name the new key as RpcAuthnLevelPrivacyEnabled.
  • Double-click on the new key and set its value to 0 (zero).
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  • Restart you print spooler service and your computer.

you also read :- The Local Print spooler service is not running error how to solve

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